Can I send you my child's birth announcement as proof of age?
As much as I’d love to see the birth announcement, our governing organizations require that we have a copy of the official birth certificate on file. If you do not have one, you can obtain one from the Texas Bureau of Vital Statistics on their website. In fact, you may even be able to download one and then can email it directly to the Registrar at registrar@haysyouthsoccer.org.
When will the games and the practices be?
U10 has two weeknight practices, and the games can be anywhere from 9am until 3pm, mostly on Saturday, with the occasional (very occasional) Sunday afternoon game. Half of the games will be at HYSA and half in Lockhart.
For older age groups, the schedules depend on how many in-house teams are formed. For more specific information on age groups U12 and above, contact the Division 3 Commissioner atd3commissioner@haysyouthsoccer.org.
What does the registration fee cover?
For U10, HYSA provides a team jersey and a medal at the end of the season, and you will need a size 4 soccer ball, shin guards and cleats. Returning players in the spring remain on the same team from the fall and retain their jersey. Teams are being formed Feb 21st.
Is the mandatory volunteer time really mandatory?
- Field Duty – Each age group will be assigned a Sunday from 4-6 during the regular season to help at the fields. You can also volunteer anytime that fits in your schedule. Contactfacilities@haysyouthsoccer.org for details
- Concession Duty – Each age group will be in charge of running the concession stand during the regular season. To fill your concession duty you can donate an item or work a two hour shift. There will be communication about concession duty throughout the season.